Saturday, September 4, 2010

The first day of training.


I'm Harley. I'm an AmeriCorps member and I'm going to be working at Community Crops this season. I am required to make a wicked awesome report every month that logs everything that I did. But who wants to remember that kind of stuff? Not I said the fish! Well I plan on making a post everyday about what sorts of crazy adventures I cook up.

My first day of training was from 9:00Am to 3:30Pm. And I mostly sat and listened to all the crazy stuff that I will need to know as I progress through this program. (like regulations, rules, and ideas)

We were given a breakfast of various fruits, bagels, juice, fruit bars, et cetera. I grabbed some strawberries which were yummy good. An everything bagel and put some cream cheese on it--but I should have put more on because the bagel tasted like it had been frozen and thawed a few times and it was kinda stale, ick! but I powered through it--I guess I really was hungry! I also grabbed a half a bannanner, and then some grapes of the green and black variety. I was STUFFED! But, I was going to need that sustenance if I was to make it through a long day of listening. (My ears needed the energy cause they were tired from listening to the sound of nothing the day before.)

I got this super cool AmeriCorps bag, it was red. I'll never use it, but it will be a great Christmas gift.

We played a yarn game, I lovingly call webber. Where we tossed the yarn to people (while holding on the the string) and then the people had to come up with ideas that we could do as a whole group for our community involvement projects. There were a vast array of ideas, I posed the idea to get involved in schools with healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. After we ran out of yarn the web looked more like a circle--well you can't be perfect is what I always say.

We took a picture of the different groups and then individual photos. I think I made a funny face in a few. oops!

Lunch was AWESOME. A taco bar, mmmmmmmmmmm taco! I ate one, really big one. then I finally found the juice, I looked for it for a bit during breakfast--but I had brought coffee and a water so I was good with the liquids.

The bathrooms were interesting, if you've ever been to the Antelope Park enclosed shelter you will know what I'm talking about. If not, you'd better take a trip.

I wrote on the time line of hopes and dreams: "I hope to help ensure there is a world for my grandchildren to live in." which I thought was pretty poetic at first but then afterward I felt like it was too cheesy... oh well, I'm just a wild and crazy guy.

We then played a game called speed dating, wait no, it was called speed meeting. Which was like speed dating. Except it was so loud that I could hardly hear anyone--but I always told them that it was good to meet them, even thought I had already forgot their name.

I went home after the meeting, feeling excited for the season of work. I'm just glad to get out there and inflict some change on the world for the better. And glad to get out of the corporate retail world, woot woot!

Check back often to see what I've been up to in the coming days.

thanks for reading,



  1. Finally! A place for you to watch your peas and q-cumbers!
    I think this is a good match for you and CC.

  2. My Pints and Quarts?!?!? I hope I'm not drinking on the job...
